Reader Service “Schöner Wohnen” magazine
Address capture

Our client is responsible for the reader service of a large newspaper publisher. Readers send in pre-printed postcards to receive detailed information about certain magazine advertisers. The cards are detached by interested readers, completed and sent as postcards to Gruner+Jahr. There recognition numbers and address data are captured and made available to the advertising client. This is a valuable way for the reader to receive detailed information easily and comfortably. To improve time-consuming and cost intensive manual entry, a system for automatic data capturing and processing should be adapted and introduced.
Form Design
The previous form was changed to optimize the results of automatic form interpretation. The old form contained markings on both sides: the sender´s address on the front and recognition number for the requests on the back. Although it was possible to read both sides with a scanner, there was an even better way to save time and costs during processing.
Adaptation of OnScreen Correction
We created a recognition mask using the QS-Beleg Editor that was adapted to the data on the form. During correction the data is displayed together with the corresponding section of the form (OnScreen-Correction). The data must be checked for completeness and errors. This correction replaces all former entries.
Several verifications were set up to maintain low post-processing times. It is done via DLL verification of surname, first name, street, zip code and city. All fields that violate the verifications are color coded. This makes it easy to determine whether corrections are necessary.
After correction the data is prepared in a format that corresponds with the processing to follow.
Gruner + Jahr AG & Co, Reader Advertising Service SCHÖNER WOHNEN, Hamburg