Munich Transport and Tariff Association (MVV)
Passenger Surveys and Documentation
Public Transportation
The MVV conducts surveys regularly. The MVV interviews its passengers about the route, reason for the trip and type of ticket. Two different forms are used to collect information about the number of passengers embarking and disembarking and their answers to specific questions. (“Passenger entry list” and “Questionnaire”). The forms are then scanned and corrected using the QS-Beleg OnScreen Correction. The aim of the survey is to optimize the public transportation schedules.
Form Design / Recognition Quality
The form “Passenger entry list” is a MS Excel table designed by MVV. It is filled dynamically with bus or underground line data, such as names and codes of the stations. This form is printed by the MVV. The questionnaire is a black and white pre-printed form. The frames of recognized fields are light grey and are removed automatically before they are read to improve reading quality.
Verification and Export
The onScreen Correction function was adapted to the form design and several different automatic verifications and entry tools were specially programmed to help make the verification of the scanned data as fast as possible.
Verification and correction is performed using two forms. During correction, data is displayed together with the corresponding section of the form (onScreen correction). The fields are color-coded according to their automatic verification status. One glance indicates whether data is correct. Erroneous data is marked red to quickly draw your attention to the fields. An accelerator key helps to jump directly to the next error.
All checked and corrected data for both forms is then exported. The image files corresponding to exported data are then copied to an archive.
MVV (Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH)
The MVV has established itself as an internationally highly regarded public transportation authority. With the help of its passengers, MVV’s aim is to offer modern, attractive and economical public transportation services.
The project was carried out in close cooperation with our client and aims to capture 2.5 million questionnaires