QS-Beleg Tourismus-Service Westerland

Registration forms


At the Tourist Service Westerland/Sylt, we make capturing registration forms and invoices easier. The form “Registration form” is completed by guests when they check in. A group of forms receives an invoice number and the hotel/hostel etc. receives a receipt indicating form submission. A copy of the receipt is attached to the corresponding forms.

Each year about 300,000 forms are read and recognized.

Form Design
The previous form was changed to optimize the results of automatic form interpretation. The most important characteristics are introduction of drop out color (red) as well as clear separating of OCR fields. Similarly designed forms can be recognized: forms with copy for hand-printed entries; forms completed using pin printers and forms for laser printers.

Adaptation of OnScreen Correction
We created a recognition mask using the QS-Beleg Editor that was adapted to the data on the form. During correction the data is displayed together with the corresponding section of the form (OnScreen Correction). The data must be checked for completeness and errors. Processing is completed based on invoices; verification/correction can be done at several workplaces simultaneously. Taxes are calculated based on legal regulations and parameters and are compared to the read value.

Several logical verifications were set up to maintain low post-processing times. All fields that violate the verifications are color coded. This makes it easy to determine whether corrections are necessary.

The data is sorted and is available for post processing calculation.

We help you to spend an unforgettable time with us in Westerland, no matter whether you are on a holiday, conference or event.

We are always available should you require further information:

Tourismus-Service Westerland, Strandstr. 33, D 25980 Westerland/Sylt
Phone: +49 (0) 4651/998-0, Fax +49 (0) 4651/998-234, Internet: http://www.westerland.de

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